Tag Archives: Carpet Cleaning

Carpet Cleaning Vs. Rug Cleaning

Similar terms, different processes

You’d be surprised how many people don’t know the difference between carpets and rugs. Usually the terms are somewhat interchangeable on a vernacular level, but in fact they refer to different processes. In this blog post I’ll detail the differences between carpet cleaning and rug cleaning.

Carpet cleaning refers to cleaning pre-installed wall to wall carpets. There’s many potential methods one can use to do so, but hot water extraction is one of the best methods of removing impacted and embedded allergens, mold, dirt, and dust.

Rug cleaning

This refers to the cleaning of removable rugs that can be rolled up. This process entails sanitization with spray – in cases of odor damage due to pet urine- in order to kill any remaining bacteria. Afterwards, the rug will be completely immersed in a solution that neutralizes the heavy alkaline salts within the urine, allowing for a more complete removal of the urine residue. After the rug has absorbed the neutralizer for enough time, it will be rinsed off, and wrung out to remove all moisture. This part of the process gets rid of any odor.

The rug will now be given a hand scrub on both sides with a shampoo specifically matched for the rug’s material and construction. After the rug receives a thorough hand washing, it will be rinsed off and wrung out again, groomed with a brush, and hung to dry in a climate controlled heat room. After the rug dries, it will be closely inspected for any remaining soil, stains, or spots. If there any, the rug will be subjected to the entire process again. It’s worthwhile to note that it is completely essential that all water and moisture from the rug is thoroughly extracted – as it needs to be completely dry.

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Spring Cleaning Allergy Tips


As the thermometer creeps up and Spring and Summer arrive, many people will begin sneezing – a sign that allergy season has officially started. While the warmth of the sun surely will be welcome over the freeze of a few months ago, it also brings about a large amount of allergens – namely pollen which can make it’s way into the home, and stick inside upholstery and carpets. By utilizing regular carpet cleaning to eliminate impacted allergens and grout cleaning to remove any mold from tiles, you can prevent your allergies from getting that bad, so that instead of suffering from clogged up sinuses and a runny nose, you can get outside and enjoy the much nicer weather. Here’s some great tips for keeping your home healthier and allergy free.

Be Aware of What your Triggers Are

It’s important to learn what allergens trigger allergic reactions in you or your family members. The most common allergy triggers are animal dander, pollen, dust mites, mold spores, and cockroaches. If your triggers are outdoor alxlergens, keep your windows closed. If they are indoor allergens, open all the windows in order to air out the entire house. Read More →

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Getting Oil off a Carpet


If either you or your children make a big mess in the kitchen, it might behoove you to train yourself with some rudimentary carpet cleaning skills. One of the toughest kitchen stains to deal with is grease or cooking oil stains – the good news is we have your back. If you’re trying to deal with a cooking oil or grease stain, check out our tips and tricks on how to remove oil from a carpet.


Step One: Blot

First, blot up as much of the oil as possible. Use an absorbent fabric like a rag or towel – or in a punch, a brown paper bag. Don’t use newspaper because the ink can easily run and make the stain worse. This can help you get rid of the bulk of the stain.

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On the spot Carpet Cleaning

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When spills happen, it’s always best to react quickly and treat the carpet as soon as humanly possible. Immediate treatment of the stain is the foundational approach to preventing stains – its rate of efficacy is incredibly high; the sooner after the spill the better. There’s a number of tactics you can employ that – while being technically simple – are incredibly effective at removing stains. Different simple cleaners made from household products are most effective on different kinds of stains, depending on their origin. Below Aladdin Oriental Rug will tackle the step for on the spot Carpet Cleaning.

First step, Blotting On the spot Carpet Cleaning

With a clean cloth saturated in cleaning solution, blot the stain, and dry 30with an outside-in-motion. Rinse the area completely and thoroughly with clean water, and blot/rinse a few more times. It’s important that you never scrub your rug or carpet – this can damage their fibers as well as letting the spill soak all the way down to the carpet’s interior pad.

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