How can carpet stains cause structural damage to carpet padding?

On the spot Carpet cleaning

In this blog entry, the professional NJ carpet cleaning and carpet repair service team here at Aladdin Oriental Rug will detail the ways that carpet stains and spots can cause serious damage to the padding of your carpets.

Carpets are always installed with a layer of padding, which supports the carpet, provides a soft feeling, and potentially improves the soundproofing and insulation of your interiors. While padding can absorb the weight of foot traffic, it can also absorb moisture. Spots and stains on the carpet surface can damage the padding below it, which is why it’s important to clean carpet stains and spills as soon as possible to avoid more serious carpet damage.

How can spots and stains cause serious carpet damage?

Moisture due to spills, flooding, over-wetting, or over-shampooing carpets can absorb into the base of the carpet and carpet pad. This can cause mildew to begin growing between 2-3 days from the initial moistening of the carpet surface. Stains caused by biological substances like vomit or urine can break down and get absorbed by the carpet, which can cause serious damage and can allow mildew to even grow on the surface of your floorboards and base of your walls. If these spots get to you padding, the padding will have to be fully replaced to prevent the spots from wicking up into the carpet surface. This is why many carpet spots reappear after cleaning.

What are the negative health effects from carpet padding moisture?

Carpet padding can remain wet for weeks after the initial spill, which can have negative impacts on your home air quality. Mildew can cause a musty or dap odor, and can cause negative respiratory issues for those with allergies, asthma, or respiratory sensitivity.

What are the signs that I need to replace my carpet?

  • Consider replacing your carpet if it is over 10 years old
  • Consider replacing your carpets if you have serious stains that do not disappear after professional cleaning
  • Consider replacing your carpet if there is color fading / traffic lanes that do not disappear after professional carpet restoration service
  • Consider replacing your carpets if you cannot feel the padding underneath your feet when you walk – or ask more about carpet padding replacement services
  • Consider replacing your carpet if bad smells or odors remain in place after a professional cleaning, often a sign of mildew growth deep inside the carpet padding
  • Consider replacing your carpets if it exhibits very large tears or signs of wrinkling / waves that cannot be professionally repaired
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