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There’s nothing like the refreshing flavor and bold taste of a frosty pitcher of fruit punch to refresh you during the long hot days of Summer. It’s simply one of those pleasures that are hard to define – just ask any fruit punch loving kid, and you’re sure to hear songs in rapturous praise of this classic summer beverage. However, there’s just one drawback to enjoying fruit punch inside your home – it’s bright red color makes spilled fruit punch rug or carpet stains notoriously difficult to clean off, as if they remain over long periods of time, the stain can easily set in, permanently painting your rug a bright and garish shade of red. Fortunately, when tackled on the spot, fruit punch stains can be quickly mitigated. In this brief list blog post, the rug stain experts at Aladdin Oriental Rug will provide you with a list of tactics to tackle as soon as a fruit punch rug stain occurs, so that you can quickly reverse it.

In between getting your rug or carpet cleaned by professional rug and carpet cleaners like those at Aladdin Oriental Rug, you might want to enlist the aid of some natural everyday solutions in order to help get rid of incidental stains or grime. Here’s our top five ingredients for a natural, green, everyday cleaning solution.
Here’s a bit of custom-tailored rug cleaning advice from our expert carpet cleaners. While we advise our customers to contact us directly regarding solutions for complicated or widespread staining, we also firmly believe in the value of providing everyone with expert information to attempt stain removal on their own. Here’s our advice – direct from the mouths of our experts.
How can you tell if you have a quality Oriental-style rug?
If the same design on the back is on the front, then you have a woven rug. These are of a much higher quality than tufted rugs. Wool is the ideal material for rugs – it’s almost indestructible, and it’s environmentally sustainable. Hand woven rugs contain the most value – not only do they take the longest amount of time to make, they require the largest amount of personal artistry to create. However, Karastan in particular makes pretty fantastic machine woven rugs. If you see burlap or canvas on the back of the rug, it’s tufted; Tufted rugs, often made in China and India using glue or often latex may look like pile rugs, but only last about 5 to 10 years before getting all shredded up. Woven rugs can last hundreds of years with zero degradation.
What is artificial silk?
Artificial silk – often called art silk or manmade silk – doesn’t mean real silk (made froms silkworms.) It’s in reality made from machine made viscose rayon – and often turns yellow over time as it’s colors fade, not to mention it’s extensive shedding. If you’re purchasing a room size “silk” rug for under 1,000 dollars it very likely may not be made of real silk.
Is it possible to vacuum too much?
Today’s powerful vacuums might be too harsh on delicate woven rugs, particularly if they are laid above a hard floor. We recommend sweeping wool rugs with carpet sweepers. If you’re going to be vacuuming, make sure to use a canister vacuum with the beater bar set high to avoid any abrasion. Make sure to vacuum the rug from side to side, rather than from end to end, so you don’t accidentally grab up any of the fringes. On an annual basis, take the rug outside and vacuum it’s back, in order to remove any hard to reach embedded dirt that can cause fiber wear. After that, vacuum the top of the rug again. If you hit a corner of the rug, and see a cloud of dust come out, it needs washing.
How often do rugs need to be washed, and why?
Rugs need to be washed every two to three years. Even if rugs don’t appear dirty, their color slowly gets more dull over time, as well as the fringe degrading. If you wait a while before cleaning it, all forms of particles like silica or dust can sink down towards the base of the rug – and when the rug gets walked on top of, the fiber at the base get degraded. This is true whether or not the base is made of wool or cotton, and whether or not there’s a quality rubber rug pad placed underneath it. That’s the reason that the intricate designs on rugs become bare over time – it’s not foot traffic, as some might think. Well, it is foot traffic in some sense, being foot traffic combined with a lack of getting swept, washed, or beaten.
What are the most common mistakes regarding rugs or carpets?
Placing plants on top of rugs must be the top committed rug travesty. When you leave a potted plant on top of a rug for an extended amount of time, you may pick the rug up and a circle drops out from under it. Since the sub-carpet pad doesn’t allow for the circulation of air, it will slowly accumulate moisture. And moisture means mildew. Even when a wool rug feels dry on the surface, it may have moisture under it, that seeps to the bottom of the rug, breeding mildew – which then leads to dry rot, and your need to repair it.
Similar terms, different processes
You’d be surprised how many people don’t know the difference between carpets and rugs. Usually the terms are somewhat interchangeable on a vernacular level, but in fact they refer to different processes. In this blog post I’ll detail the differences between carpet cleaning and rug cleaning.
Carpet cleaning refers to cleaning pre-installed wall to wall carpets. There’s many potential methods one can use to do so, but hot water extraction is one of the best methods of removing impacted and embedded allergens, mold, dirt, and dust.
Rug cleaning
This refers to the cleaning of removable rugs that can be rolled up. This process entails sanitization with spray – in cases of odor damage due to pet urine- in order to kill any remaining bacteria. Afterwards, the rug will be completely immersed in a solution that neutralizes the heavy alkaline salts within the urine, allowing for a more complete removal of the urine residue. After the rug has absorbed the neutralizer for enough time, it will be rinsed off, and wrung out to remove all moisture. This part of the process gets rid of any odor.
The rug will now be given a hand scrub on both sides with a shampoo specifically matched for the rug’s material and construction. After the rug receives a thorough hand washing, it will be rinsed off and wrung out again, groomed with a brush, and hung to dry in a climate controlled heat room. After the rug dries, it will be closely inspected for any remaining soil, stains, or spots. If there any, the rug will be subjected to the entire process again. It’s worthwhile to note that it is completely essential that all water and moisture from the rug is thoroughly extracted – as it needs to be completely dry.
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Aladdin Oriental Rug Services
allergies and carpets
Autumn Color Tones
Carpet Cleaning
Carpet Cleaning Mistakes
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Carpet Cleaning Tips
Carpet History
Carpet Restoration
Carpet Stain
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Carpet Stains
Carpet Tips
Carpet Treatment
Modern Rug
new jersey carpet cleaning
new jersey rug cleaning
NJ carpet cleanings
Oil Stains
Oriental Carpet Cleaning
Oriental Rug
Oriental Rug Restoration
persian rug cleaningnj
Persian Rugs
Professional Grade Vacuums
Professional Rug Cleaning
rug and water damage
Rug Cleaning
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Rug Color
Rug Dying
Rug Preservation
Rug Repair
Rug Restoration
Rug Stain
Rug Tips
Rug Treatment
Stain Remedies
Stain Removal
Water Damage
water damage rug restoration