In this blog entry, the expert New Jersey carpet and rug cleaning service team here at Aladdin Oriental Rug will detail the ways that having clean carpets and furniture can improve your health.

In this blog entry, the expert New Jersey carpet and rug cleaning service team here at Aladdin Oriental Rug will detail the ways that having clean carpets and furniture can improve your health.
Carpets, even those made of inorganic materials, are susceptible to mold. And when carpets start to grow mold, it should be fixed as soon as possible, as mold can grow and spread surprisingly fast. However, sometimes it’s difficult for the average person to determine if their carpet has mold, since it can grow underneath the carpet, or within it’s fibers. Here’s a guide from the carpet cleaning professionals here at Aladdin Oriental Rug on how to tell if your carpet has mold.
If you’ve experienced the unfortunate incidence of flooding or leaks in your home or office, your Oriental Rugs may have suffered water damage. Depending on how quickly the water is cleaned up, this damage may or may not be able to be remedied. Here’s a guide to controlling water damage on rugs, by the rug cleaning experts at Aladdin Oriental Rug.
Dry rot is one of the worst things that can happen to a rug. Mildew, dry rot, and mold are all various stages and types of fungi – and while mildew and mold can sometimes be removed, dry rot cannot be countered. Dry rot causes the foundational fibers of rugs to deteriorate and fall apart, and ruining its structural integrity. Sometimes, if stopped early enough, mildew and mold can be stopped, and you can go through with carpet restoration. Here’s Aladdin’s guide to dry rot, mold, and mildew.
Dry rot is caused by either too much or too little moisture. Floods, leaks, or evaporation through improper storage in plastic can cause it. Pets can also cause dry rot by urinating on rugs. Buildup of residue from cleaning products can dry up rugs and cause dry rot, as well as any sort of peroxide or bleach.
First of all, look for any color discoloration, especially areas with bluish mold. If there’s sources of water near rugs, look for any problems near that area of the rug. Common culprits are plants, water coolers, or ceiling leaks. Once mold reaches the inner foundational fibers of a rug, it’s pretty much impossible to remove it. If an area of a rug is stiff, or cracks when you bend it, or gives you a hard wood like knocking sound when you hit it with your knuckles, you’re dealing with dry rot.
Antique rug fibers can become brittle over time, and should not just be bent to check up on dry rot. With these rugs, look for any signs of moisture or spills. Common telltale signs are any splits or severe cracks across the borders of rugs.
As the thermometer creeps up and Spring and Summer arrive, many people will begin sneezing – a sign that allergy season has officially started. While the warmth of the sun surely will be welcome over the freeze of a few months ago, it also brings about a large amount of allergens – namely pollen which can make it’s way into the home, and stick inside upholstery and carpets. By utilizing regular carpet cleaning to eliminate impacted allergens and grout cleaning to remove any mold from tiles, you can prevent your allergies from getting that bad, so that instead of suffering from clogged up sinuses and a runny nose, you can get outside and enjoy the much nicer weather. Here’s some great tips for keeping your home healthier and allergy free.
It’s important to learn what allergens trigger allergic reactions in you or your family members. The most common allergy triggers are animal dander, pollen, dust mites, mold spores, and cockroaches. If your triggers are outdoor alxlergens, keep your windows closed. If they are indoor allergens, open all the windows in order to air out the entire house.